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ClubSpotting with Ciara McAnespie

The McAnespie name is synonymous with football in Monaghan. Brenda McAnespie was a pioneer for the sport when Monaghan reigned supreme during the ’90s. Her twin daughters Aoife and Ciara now carry the famous name and continue to inspire the next era of ladies footballers in the county. Ciara in particular has been one of the most devastating forwards of the past decade. Individual and team accolades have been aplenty during her career and this week we went ClubSpotting to Emyvale with her to find out more.

What are your first memories of your club Emyvale?

My first memory of the club is being coached by the late Gloria Corrigan. I have some wonderful memories to look back on from that time and many friendships forged then, are still very strong today.

Who were your sporting idols growing up?

My mum was definitely someone I looked up to growing up. I was able to see first-hand the commitment and dedication she put in while playing to compete at the highest level. And that in turn inspired me to want to do the same.

What has been the proudest moment of your playing career?

Winning the Intermediate All Ireland final with my club Emyvale in 2008 stands out as one of my proudest moments. To share that pure joy and emotion with players and friends that I have been playing with since I started out, was very special.

Toughest opponent you have faced?

Sharon Courtney. A great teammate with Monaghan but I have had plenty of tough battles with her down through the years with the club.

Best Player you have played with?

Ellen Mc Carron. Lucky to have played both county and college football with her. A great player to have alongside you on the pitch.

Any pre-game rituals or superstitions?

I always keep a bottle of holy water in my football bag. And I would always pack my bag the night before any county game. I like to be organised and well prepared.

What are your hopes and ambitions for the remainder of the season?

I have only club championship left at the minute so it’s to compete as best we can in that and who knows what might happen.

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