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The Sports Capital Programme

The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is managed by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and provides grants to assist in the development of sports facilities and the provision of sports equipment throughout the country. Grants are available to sports clubs, voluntary and community groups, national governing bodies of sport and local authorities. Third level colleges, VECs and schools may also apply for funding jointly with sports clubs.

The Sports Capital Programme online system is called OSCAR (Online Sports Capital Register).

This is the only way to apply for grants under the Sports Capital Programme. OSCAR also allows registered groups to view previous grants and payments, change contact details, seek payment of a grant and otherwise communicate with the Department online.

Any organisation that wishes to use the system must first register online. This guide will lead users through the registration process. Organisations only need to register once.

Click here to find out how to register and apply before the closing date of March 1st 2021.

What is ClubSpot?

ClubSpot offers a wide range of features to ease the burden on volunteers in sports clubs and to help clubs increase their revenues. With a wide range of features, online payment and a customised Club App included.

For more information or to arrange a product demonstration for your club contact


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